Taking the classroom on the Road ...
Todays Classroom made me really appreciate this journey we are on ...
The flexibility to pack up the car with our whole family and enjoy nature...
the outdoors...
While still fostering a learning environment is just so dang cool...
We read...
We Explored....
We counted.... we sorted...
We discovered some more .... we felt ..... we saw.... we touched....
We snorkeled....
We talked about marine life...
Shark teeth ...
How we can keep our oceans clean ...
We have a new experiment finding out who are new little buddy is ....
{See pic below}
We got a flat tire ...
But we got to experience the kindness of others and watch the most beautiful magical sunset...
Cruising at 45 and being able to take it all in ....
Tomorrow we will research our treasures ...
Write a little book about our adventures...
{3 sentence beginning middle end just to remember today's adventure}
and dive in to the letter E ...
after mommy gets some new tires....