Solar Eclipse Johnson Style
But Seriously .... how fun was yesterday!?!?!
What an awesome experience ....
the kiddos for sure thought it was cool but mommy was in AWE ....
and even though I never looked at the sun I was sure at moments that I some how received some sort of eye damage ....
I even brought on a headache LOL
So we watched videos.... talked about ... and made a solar box and hung out outside checking the progress from about 2:15 to about 3....
It was so neat just looking around and watching it get darker ...
watching the shadows on the ground change ....
What a fun experience ...
We worked on letters.... writing .... shapes.... Bubba caught up and did his E is for elephant project (see previous post)....
These have got to be Eva's favorite these days ....
She loves writing in missing numbers ....
It for sure is a confidence boosting activity for her ....
She can always do it ...
But its still challenging ....
His concentration is so fun to watch ....
With him being so active these moments used to be much further between ....
We watched shape videos....
Talked Gardens and Plants .... Eva worked on drawing all the parts of the flower....
{Flower... Stem....Leaves.... roots}
It's awesome watching her drawings get more and more detailed ...
So after the eclipse watch...
after the activities....
we loaded up in the golfcart...
grabbed some books....
and read out in nature ....
it was beautiful ....
I sat there thinking "how amazing is this .... "
Until eva stole bubbas ball....
Bubba tackled Eva....
Eva shoved him off...
and than Bubba BIT her ....
{what in the world just happen!? The kids went savage on me!}
So we headed home ...
rested for a bit while momma worked out ....
and Eva and I headed off to dance class with her friends ....
She was beyond excited to get back to it after summer break ....
and apparently she was getting in the zone on our way there <3