Fun Classroom additions
Our Classroom has become one of my very favorite places in our home ...
It already holds such a number of precious memories ...
Which we will continue to create....
{so special}
We had a dry erase calendar we were using ...
But every time I went to write on it I would wipe something off...
it always looked messy and had so much information crammed in to each square...
So I began just writing our daily activities on a piece of paper I then put in to their binders that I put all their assignments in to ...
THIS calendar is so much more purposeful ...
I didn't want the kids reading what we were doing everyday ...
The calendar's purpose was to create awareness with the Month ....
day of the week ...
and the date!
Mission accomplished and visually much more appealing ...
I used sticky tac to adhere everything here that I'm sharing with you today!
The heart is made out of a wix stick which is basically a pliable string wrapped in colored wax...
So fun to play with and just handy in so many ways!
I added our letters and as we have a "letter of the day" (which some times lasts more than one day) ...
I used wix sticks again to draw attention to whatever letter we are currently working on...
Loving how it looks!
The last new thing I added was a "Word-A-Pillar"....
I am going to add a word a week (maybe every other week we will see how it goes)...
and figured this is a fun way to review AND I know Eva will be so excited to continue adding to and watching it grow...
As will her vocabulary!!
I used multi color construction paper...
pipe cleaners...
some paint...
and of course scissors!
I used sticky tac to adhere each circle separately....
Hope you all find this helpful!
Can't wait for the kiddos to get home and discovery whats changed...
It's always a joy seeing their little faces light up <3