We danced in to the weekend with a "G" is for Garbage Cleanup ...
SO we've been starting every morning with a days of the week and months of the year song ... We moved on to phonics which Eva has really...
"G" is for GRAPES Craft
{Insert kids} Here waiting for the kiddos to get home from Mima & Pipos house... So thankful that they can continue to spend their time...
Fun Classroom additions
Our Classroom has become one of my very favorite places in our home ... It already holds such a number of precious memories ... Which we...
Keeping afternoon learning FUN...
So we try to keep our afternoon class time FUN... We try to keep it all fun for the most part but the afternoons for us have proven that...
F is for FISH Craft
Ahhhhhh!!! So today was Super FUN!! We used FOOD to paint our FISH... {before venturing out on our will it FLOAT adventure to round out...
Alphabet , Math , and Explorations
YES!! Love seeing her light up with such PRIDE <3 We worked on number matching .... using the blocks for some work on addition .......
Solar Eclipse Johnson Style
But Seriously .... how fun was yesterday!?!?! What an awesome experience .... the kiddos for sure thought it was cool but mommy was in...
E is for Elephant Craft
Alright .... so this was super fun!!! What we used a white and black sheet of paper .... yarn or string scissors glue old broken crayons...
Discovering the Beach
So Caspersen Beach ... In Venice FL... What an absolutely Beautiful place!!!! and what an amazing place to just DISCOVER... Rocks to...
Taking the classroom on the Road ...
Todays Classroom made me really appreciate this journey we are on ... The flexibility to pack up the car with our whole family and enjoy...